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Someday Green Road Sign with Dramatic Clouds, Sun Rays and Sky.
If a New Years resolution is just around the corner, today I want to challenge you to get imbalanced with aspiration and action this year.
Don’t stop at vision this time.
Double down on action.
If not, you’ll be stuck in the perpetual cycle of “somedays”.
Those words hit my eardrums like fingernails on a chalkboard.
While “someday” could be an aspirational vision of the future, more often than not, we use it as a spiritual cop-out, absolving us from taking action in the present.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to come to the end of my life one day with a heart and mind full of “somedays”.
Defining what you want and boldly going after it is vulnerable and difficult.
It requires doing stuff right now that is uncertain, scary, and uncomfortable.
You have to get intentionally imbalancedtoday to experience a better tomorrow.
Today isn’t a good day for that.
I’m tired, busy, and work is crazy.
I have kids.
I’m in my forties.
I have a tummy ache.
“Someday” is a better day.
Not next Monday, or the 27th of the month, or in two weeks at 5 pm.
“Someday” has a nice, accountability- free ring to it.
It’s a schedule-free timeline that signals that I have aspirations, but excuses me from action.
Aspiration without action is becoming a sickness.
“Someday” is why we feel we have no “work/life balance”.
It’s why we grow continually frustrated with our circumstances.
It’s why the first day of the year makes us hopeful but the first day of the week makes us anxious.
My late wife and I made a pact years ago to not speak in “somedays”.
If there was something we aspired to, we made a plan and did hard stuff to make it happen.
It was never a perfect plan, nothing is, but the only blessing amidst my grief in her passing is the absence of regret.
We didn’t wait until someday.
If I can help bring this peace into your life in the New Year, it brings meaning to the tragedy in mine.