Brett Klika • Jan, 2024
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What if…???

Fear is present in all our lives.

In a twist of irony, it both saves and ruins us.

It promotes preservation but prevents progress.

When stagnation sours your ambition, look to your relationship with fear.

If you’re like me, this relationship is often shrouded in an ego-protecting story.

These stories are created by our psyche to shield us from the self-indictment of weak character.

They usually go something like “I’m not afraid of anything” or “I don’t let fear stop me”.

Recently I found this story showing up in my life.

“Fear isn’t a factor. I’m not pursuing this thing because there is an uncertain outcome that could be unfavorable.”

Fear by any other name…

You can’t win a battle until you acknowledge there’s a foe.

In a strange, confusing, and dangerous move that threatens the future of our civilization, it seems modern society encourages us to bow to the foe of fear.

“Why I can’t” now gets more attention and applause than “how I can”.

When you fight for your limitations though, you get to keep them.

Are you choosing the right fight?

Acknowledging the role of fear in your life doesn’t make you a fearful person.

Again, feelings and beliefs.

It’s data, not an indictment.

What you do with this data however sets the course for your life, in addition to the other lives you impact.

The happiest, most fulfilled leaders I work with take action despite fear, not in the absence of it.

The result is a legacy of positive impact within their families, organizations, and communities.

When you sense stagnation in your life, find the fear that’s become your foe.

Your choice then becomes to battle or bow.

Battling is hard.

Your best, most fulfilled life and the impact you have on others’ deserves the fight.

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